Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Saya suka tengok jari awek saya...
Cantik betul... Sungguh!
Sampai takut nak pegang...
Bukan takut patah...
Tapi takut nanti jari kitorang tak boleh tolong each other
Di satu hari yang giler forever depan yang maha Esa...

Saya suka tengok rambut awek saya...
Cantik betol... Sungguh!
Sebab tu saya belikan tudung...
Bukan sebab jeles orang lain tengok jugak....
Tapi takut nanti terbakar dek api neraka
Di suatu hari yang giler forever

Saya suka tengok body awek saya....
Cantik betol... Sungguh!
Sebab tu saya belikan dia telekong
Supaya mase die jumpa dengan Kekasih die Yang Utama
Dia lagi cantik dan berseri menghadap Nya.
Saya pun tumpang dapat pahala. Pheh syoknye...

Saya sedih tengok awek saya
Tak tido, tak makan rindu kat saya...
Saya pun macam tu jugak,
Ada problem yang sama..
Die tanya apa ubatnya?
Saya pun bagi die Quran untuk penenang jiwa...
Semoga lebih cintakan Nya dari saya...

Saya sedih tengok awek saya
Selalu pesan macam-macam kat saya...
"Makan, minum, drive elok-elok tau..
Nanti awak sakit saye susah ati bla bla bla bla" katenya....
Tapi bila tengok movie sama-sama burn asar maghrib gitu
Die tak kata satu aper pun...
Berdosanye saya....

Kesimpulannya saya memang sayang dia....
Nak jumper die giler forever...
Yang forever punye forever...
Di dunia dan akhirat terutamanya,
Janji nak share heaven sama-sama...
Bahagia selamanya...

Semoga kami saling mengingati,
Dosa sendiri pun infiniti...
Nak tanggung dosa dia lagi pulak lepas ni...
Semoga kami menginsafi diri...
Ya Allah ampunkanlah kami.....
Semoga kami dapat bersama selamanya nanti...

P/s - andai anda seorang wanita muslimah...
Mesti seronok kan kalau pasangan kita berfikiran camtu....
Then kalu anda seorang muslim...
Apa kata tanamkan dalam hati camtu...
Cinta tu anugerah Allah......
Pandai-pandai la kita menjaga nikmat Allah itu ye.....
Semoga saya pun ambik iktibar gak....
Wassalam ..


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Being a mankind requires us to think beyond it though too many things happen..I’m sure everyone have experienced going thru the pain moment in life..
The purpose of having such pain is to make us thinking especially for those who confess themselves as Muslims..And I myself don’t know what happen to me this recent week..So much things playing around in my head…it just like striking directly thru my mind and heart..i try to figure it out yet nothing idea I guess..Emotionally, I feel so weak..anyhow, one thing I learn by knowing people from all walks of life, life is something u create it, u determine the path that u’ll going to go thru and of course from the consent from ALLAH.. by sharing the thought from a non-Malay frend had strengthen that allegation, he used to tell me that, “as muslim, God surely love me most than him, and I should appreciate that, all the pleasures, happiness and belief that I received, all are gifted, even I should be strong since I have my belief to rely on.. compared to him, he had nothing, and he feels nothing..all that come, he’s the one that will determine what’s next to be happened” ..Surprisingly, that words come from my non-Malays friend, and it really makes me realize that, nothing I can blame for, all the pain I feel, I should take it as strength..and he’s right..muslims do have the best medicine for all, that is thru performing the solat..It really makes me remind of a book written by fahrur muis on “berubat dengan solat”..the verse from surah al-baqarah:154 mention that, “ o you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere”..that verse really struck in my head that as muslim, I should be more strong for Allah is always be with me……….syukur alhamdulilah, all the praise go to Allah..