Empowering women..why is that so important?.. to me, women are the asset of the country, they help out to develop the country no matter in economic, politic, social and so on.. sounds like I’m one of the feminism, right? Well, according to the history in our legal system, feminism was developed in any country due to the awareness that women are the species that should be protected from violence, most of it has proven that women used to be the victim of men especially when it comes to family matters i.e they be the victim of domestic violence as well as they are denied from their rights.
I remembered at one time during this semester when I wrote my assignment on feminism, the ‘isme’ that I think is inspired from the west. I do see that from Islamic view, making that ‘isme’ looks like impossible to be implied in Islam whereas Islam really uphold the status of women itself, besides, there are so much hadiths on women that indicate the requirement of them to be protected, loved, concerned and so on. In religion, to balance the rights between men and women is improper since the nature of gender require different responsibility, rights as well as legal injunctions. As muslim women, I do feel the advantages being the muslim women and I thankful to Allah granting such many guidelines which I think really secure me.
However, when talking about other aspect of life, it’s different. There should be just and fair position and provision towards women, as what being given to men. Watching ‘The Oprah’ just now really wakes me up ..There are so many women out there who have been opposed, probably due to the system of their country where they think that women are not less than as a tool to please men’s lusts. Once again, I’m thankful to Allah for giving me a chance to live in this peace country where most all of the rights could be achieved just as men.
One of the stories from that show that has touched me a lot is about a Zimbabwe women, her name is Terrori, if I weren’t not mistaken, or maybe her name starts something with ‘T’..
The story begins in Zimbabwe where the women are forbidden to have a chance to get education. They are not allowed to learn at school despite of men can. I don’t know the justification having such rules, but Terrori said that women only should get married and be the slaves of their husbands. At that time, she was mere a young girl and she used to tell her father how desired of wanting to go schooling just like her brother, but what happened after that, she was scolded and beat just like she’d done the huge mistakes.
Without anyone knowing, she finished her brother’s home works and began to learn reading. Years passing by, till finally the teacher revealed the secret and tried to persuade Terrori’s father to let her to school, but that man reluctant and forced her to get marry. At the age of 11th, she married and gave birth. Later, though she had a few of children, the dream to study still in her soul. Whenever she told her husband that she wanted to study, she would be beat.
Till one day, a woman, Joe Luck from America came to her village and they had a circle-group discussion together with other girls, and they had a chat pertaining on their dreams. Terrori did tell her that she wanted to go to America and finished her studies to the highest level, PhD. Joe really supported her and the adventure began. One of the significant parts of the story was, when she wrote all her dreams, kept it in a box and buried it nearby her house. Whenever she achieved her dreams in America, she’ll go back to her hometown to tick it as done. The success works chronologically, after gaining her first degree, masters and now she’s completing her PhD.
Knowing her experiences in life, she suffered a lot. While struggling for her first degree, she had to look after her husband who suffered for AIDS besides had to do many part time jobs to support her family. And now, she had re-married with another man and had undergone a beautiful life just like others.
That story is just one of the sad stories in the world that was written in ‘HALF THE SKY’ by Nicolas and sheryl. It’s where the freedom of women had been restricted. Anyhow, one will endeavor to achieve for the best in her life whenever they hold their dream tightly besides they are given opportunity. The moral is, prepare for the best in life.
Speaking as muslim especially, Islam do encourage their followers to grab for the best in life purposely for HIM as they know all of the deeds will be counted in the hereafter. Last but not least, I felt much greater when i read the stories of muslims women and how they devote themselves just for the sake of Islam..
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Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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Monday, May 03, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Salam..terlalu lama saya meninggalkan laman ini..laman yang memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk mencoretkan kata-kata yang boleh dikongsikan...usai menjalani peperiksaan terakhir semalam, saya berasa begitu tenang, konotasi peperiksaan dan pelajar begitu sinonim..barangkali itulah yang wasilah untuk menguji tahap kefahaman sepanjang pembelajaran walaupun saya di antara mereka yang tidak begitu menggemarinya..:)...pelbagai reaksi yang saya terima, ada rakan yang mengucapkan tahniah, tak kurang ada yang mengekspresikan keseronokan kerana telah merdeka……
MERDEKA- Pelbagai tafsiran yang boleh diberikan..ada yang mengaitkan dengan terlepasnya bebanan tugas sebagai pelajar selepas peperiksaan berakhir , ada yang mengaitkan dengan terbebasnya minda daripada pengaruh barat, dan bagi rakyat Malaysia khususnya, semestinya istilah ini mengingatkan kita kepada tarikh 31 Ogos 1957 di mana tanah air tercinta bebas daripada cengakaman penjajah………..
Itulah pada saya signifikannya kemerdekaan..bebas daripada penjajahan..Apabila membicarakan soal kemerdekaan, satu isu yang pada saya sering mengisi media dan tiada penghujungnya, iaitu isu palestin.. dan ini adalah satu sebab yang memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk menulis di blog ini setelah begitu lama meninggalkannya..
Pagi tadi saya berkesempatan menonton MHI di mana paparan yang dikemukakan berkenaan peranan NGO dan antara lain, program terdekat yang dilancarkan sebagai simbolik kebencian terhadap rejim zionis ini, KONVOI NASIONAL UNTUK GAZA..Apa yang menyentuh hati saya ialah apabila melihat tetamu undangan program tersebut yang menjadi mangsa kekejaman Israel, seorang pelajar sebaya usianya dengan kakak saya, 23 tahun, pintar orangnya tetapi kudung kedua kakinya akibat dibom oleh rejim zionis secara membabi buta, dan inisiatif Aman Palestin membawa beliau ke Malaysia untuk merawat dan membekalkan kaki palsu.
Inilah antara bukti kebiadapan Israel..mereka tidak membezakan antara orang awam , ..dan mereka rakyat palestin dinafikan hak mereka seperti dibekalkan air yang beracun, dinafikan hak untuk menerima bantuan kemanusiaan dan sebagainya...dan sebab itulah kita dapat lihat, mereka tegar untuk bangkit melawan rejim ini dengan kudrat sendiri walaupun tiada kekuatan sebagai tentera, namun semangat untuk melepaskan negara daripada terus dibelenggui kekejaman zionis ini menjadi sumber kekuatan kepada mereka rakyat palestin. Bagi umat islam, inilah jihad terbesar, jihad demi mempertahankan Negara, agama dan bangsa..
‘Isu palestin bukanlah isu bermusim’, kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh presiden Aman Palestin tadi.. satu ‘quote’ yang menyedarkan saya betapa isu palestin ini tidak seharusnya dipinggirkan, apatah lagi ia melibatkan saudara seagama kita..
Written by Free Gaza Team | 28 April 2010
Posted in News
(London, UK) On May 24, 2010, the Freedom Flotilla sets sail for Gaza determined to, once again, challenge Israel’s blockade of 1.5 million Palestinians trapped in an open-air prison. Under the coordination of the Free Gaza Movement, numerous human rights organizations, including the Turkish Relief Foundation (IHH), the Perdana Global Peace Organization from Malaysia, the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza, and the Swedish and Greek Boat to Gaza initiatives will send three cargo ships loaded with reconstruction, medical and educational supplies. At least five passenger boats with over 600 people on board will accompany the cargo ships.
These passengers include members of Parliament from around the world, U.N., human rights and trade union activists, as well as journalists who will document the largest coordinated effort to directly confront Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza and take in basic supplies.
Said Mary Hughes Thompson, one of Free Gaza’s co-founders, “Although we were happy with the first trips, it was bitter-sweet, knowing that our small boats and symbolic amounts of relief paled in comparison to what was really needed in Gaza. Now, we finally feel we are helping to organize a powerful action, one with the potential to translate into a sustained campaign of much more effective challenges to Israel's brutal siege.”
In the past three months, Israel has limited fuel to run the power station. Much of Gaza is often in darkness. There are just enough trucks coming in to barely prevent total starvation, and Egypt, complicit with the Israeli-US policy of blockading Palestinians, is building an underground steel wall to prevent people in Gaza from bringing in vitally needed supplies through tunnels.
Harapan saya semoga misi kemanusiaan ke Gaza untuk menghulurkan bantuan menerusi jalan laut buat julung-julung kalinya mendapat perlindunganNya dan dipermudahkan urusan…
MERDEKA- Pelbagai tafsiran yang boleh diberikan..ada yang mengaitkan dengan terlepasnya bebanan tugas sebagai pelajar selepas peperiksaan berakhir , ada yang mengaitkan dengan terbebasnya minda daripada pengaruh barat, dan bagi rakyat Malaysia khususnya, semestinya istilah ini mengingatkan kita kepada tarikh 31 Ogos 1957 di mana tanah air tercinta bebas daripada cengakaman penjajah………..
Itulah pada saya signifikannya kemerdekaan..bebas daripada penjajahan..Apabila membicarakan soal kemerdekaan, satu isu yang pada saya sering mengisi media dan tiada penghujungnya, iaitu isu palestin.. dan ini adalah satu sebab yang memberi inspirasi kepada saya untuk menulis di blog ini setelah begitu lama meninggalkannya..
Pagi tadi saya berkesempatan menonton MHI di mana paparan yang dikemukakan berkenaan peranan NGO dan antara lain, program terdekat yang dilancarkan sebagai simbolik kebencian terhadap rejim zionis ini, KONVOI NASIONAL UNTUK GAZA..Apa yang menyentuh hati saya ialah apabila melihat tetamu undangan program tersebut yang menjadi mangsa kekejaman Israel, seorang pelajar sebaya usianya dengan kakak saya, 23 tahun, pintar orangnya tetapi kudung kedua kakinya akibat dibom oleh rejim zionis secara membabi buta, dan inisiatif Aman Palestin membawa beliau ke Malaysia untuk merawat dan membekalkan kaki palsu.
Inilah antara bukti kebiadapan Israel..mereka tidak membezakan antara orang awam , ..dan mereka rakyat palestin dinafikan hak mereka seperti dibekalkan air yang beracun, dinafikan hak untuk menerima bantuan kemanusiaan dan sebagainya...dan sebab itulah kita dapat lihat, mereka tegar untuk bangkit melawan rejim ini dengan kudrat sendiri walaupun tiada kekuatan sebagai tentera, namun semangat untuk melepaskan negara daripada terus dibelenggui kekejaman zionis ini menjadi sumber kekuatan kepada mereka rakyat palestin. Bagi umat islam, inilah jihad terbesar, jihad demi mempertahankan Negara, agama dan bangsa..
‘Isu palestin bukanlah isu bermusim’, kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh presiden Aman Palestin tadi.. satu ‘quote’ yang menyedarkan saya betapa isu palestin ini tidak seharusnya dipinggirkan, apatah lagi ia melibatkan saudara seagama kita..
Written by Free Gaza Team | 28 April 2010
Posted in News
(London, UK) On May 24, 2010, the Freedom Flotilla sets sail for Gaza determined to, once again, challenge Israel’s blockade of 1.5 million Palestinians trapped in an open-air prison. Under the coordination of the Free Gaza Movement, numerous human rights organizations, including the Turkish Relief Foundation (IHH), the Perdana Global Peace Organization from Malaysia, the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza, and the Swedish and Greek Boat to Gaza initiatives will send three cargo ships loaded with reconstruction, medical and educational supplies. At least five passenger boats with over 600 people on board will accompany the cargo ships.
These passengers include members of Parliament from around the world, U.N., human rights and trade union activists, as well as journalists who will document the largest coordinated effort to directly confront Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza and take in basic supplies.
Said Mary Hughes Thompson, one of Free Gaza’s co-founders, “Although we were happy with the first trips, it was bitter-sweet, knowing that our small boats and symbolic amounts of relief paled in comparison to what was really needed in Gaza. Now, we finally feel we are helping to organize a powerful action, one with the potential to translate into a sustained campaign of much more effective challenges to Israel's brutal siege.”
In the past three months, Israel has limited fuel to run the power station. Much of Gaza is often in darkness. There are just enough trucks coming in to barely prevent total starvation, and Egypt, complicit with the Israeli-US policy of blockading Palestinians, is building an underground steel wall to prevent people in Gaza from bringing in vitally needed supplies through tunnels.
Harapan saya semoga misi kemanusiaan ke Gaza untuk menghulurkan bantuan menerusi jalan laut buat julung-julung kalinya mendapat perlindunganNya dan dipermudahkan urusan…
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