A. For Females:
1. It should cover all the body apart from whatever has been exempted.
This includes the feet:
The Female awrah also includes the tops of her feet. When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) told his companions to raise their lower garments well above their ankles, his wife, Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) asked, What about woman, O Messenger of Allah? He replied, Let her lower it a palm width. Umm Salamah inquired, But her feet will be exposed. He responded saying, A forearm's length, then, but no more
2. It should not be an adornment in and of itself
3. It should be thick and not transparent or see-thru
4. It should be loose, not tight so that it describes any part of the body]
5. It should not be perfumed with bakhoor or fragrance
6. It should not resemble men's clothing
7. It should not be a garment of fame and vanity
B. For Males:
Sheikh Al-Albaanee said, Every nation of people may wear whatever they desire of clothing, but under the condition that they avoid these contradictions (to the ShareeĆ¢ah
1. It should cover from the navel to the knees
2. It should not resemble the dress of Kaaffir women
3. It should not extend to beneath the two ankles.
4. It should not be a garment of fame and vanity
5. It should be loose, not tight so that it describes any part of the body
6. It should be thick and not transparent or see-thru
C. Related Rulings
1. Gold
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: These two [gold and silk] are forbidden for the males of my ummah and permissible for the females.
2. Red Clothes
From Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I was forbidden (to wear) red garments and gold rings, and to recite Quraan in rukoo
It is permissible if the garment is not plain red, but a mixture.
3. Silk
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: These two [gold and silk] are forbidden for the males of my ummah and permissible for the females.
Well, It shows that Islam permit their followers to be fashionable, but it depends on us how we're going to fashion ourselves according to the way of Islam, for ,there's always secrect behind every creation..
emm..quite agree...hope can follow it..but, as a naive human being, i sumtimes wore cloths tht didnt loose enuf..but not too tight..hope can change to a better one...
but didn't understand the phrase "forearm's length, then, but no more"..hope u cn xplain t0 me..