Many of muslims nowadays have no ideas on how to prove the existence of Allah, especially when we confront the non-muslim. We say that the obligation of dakwah is required to every muslims, yet, we’re the one who do not equip ourselves with the features of da’ie.. How many of us can state logically answer to non-muslims whenever they ask about Islam? How long we’re going to stand still and conceal all of the truth in Islam?.. Sometimes we do neglect this issue as we think, this is the duty of certain authority organisation, but when I was being told a Verse from Quran from brother Lim Jooi Soon- alhamdulilah, his revert to Islam is a great gift from Allah. Then, I started to realize that every of muslims would be asked one day on what we have done for Islam, spreading the truth- no matter they’re scholars, teachers, engineers or doctors.. Allah says, “ Or do you says that Abraham, Ismail, Issac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Says: Do you know better than Allah? Ah! Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? But Allah is not unmind of what you do!” (al-baqarah:140) .. As we know, Al-quran- the main source of Islam faith, is a book believed by muslims.. So, as muslims, lets us therefore investigate the veracity of this miracle..
1) Astronomy
Creation Of The Universe
‘The Big Bang’
The creation of the universe is explained by astropysicists in a widely accepted phenomenon, popularly known as the ‘Big Bang’. It is supported by observational and experimental data gathered by astronomers and astrophysicist for decades. According to the ‘Big Bang’, the whole universe was initially one big mass (Primary Nebula). Then there was a ‘Big Bang’ (Secondary Separation) which resulted in the formation of galaxies. These then divided to form stars, planets, the sun, the moon, etc. The origin of the universe was unique and probability of its occurring by ‘chance’ is zero.
Allah says, “ Have those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” (al-anbiyaa:30)
There was an Initial Gaseous Mass before the Creation of Galaxies
Scientists says that before the galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter. In short, huge gaseous matter or clouds were present before the formation of the galaxies. To describe initial celestial matter, the word ‘smoke’ is more apprppriate than gas.
Allah says, Then he rose over (istawa) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: “ Come both of you willingly or unwillingly,” They both said : We come willingly,” (Fushillat:11)
The Spherical Shape of the Earth
In early times, people believed that the earth is flat. For centuries, men were afraid to venture out too far, lest they should fall off the edge. Sir Francis Drake was the first person who proved that the earth is spherical when he sailed around it in 1577.
Allah says, “ See you not (O Muhammad) that Allah merges that night into the day (i.e the decrease in the hours of the night are added to the hours of the day)” (Luqman:29)
Merging here means that the night slowly and gradually changes to day and vice versa. This phenomenon can only take place if the earth is spherical.
The following Verse also alludes to the spherical shape of the earth:
“ He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night”
The Arabic word used here is kawwara, meaning ‘to overlap’ or ‘to coil’ – the way a turban is wound around the head. The overlapping or coiling of the day and night can take place if the earth is spherical.
Besides, the earth is not exactly round like a ball, but geo-spherical, i.e it is flattened at the poles. The following Verse contains a description of the earth’s shape :
“And after that He spread the earth” (An Nazi’at:30)
The Arabic word for eggs here is ‘Dahaha’ which means an ostrich-egg. The shape of an ostrich-egg resembles the geo-spherical shape of the earth.
The Expanding Universe
In 1925, an American astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble, provided observational evidence that all galaxies are receding from one another, which implies that the universe is expanding. The expansion of the universe is now an established scientific fact.
Allah says, “ With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space (thereof)” (Adz-Dzariyaat: 47)
The Aracbic word Musi’un is correctly translated as ‘expanding it’, and it refers to the creation of the expanding vastness of the universe.
Stephen Hawking, in his book, ‘A Brief History of Time,’ says, “The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the 20th century.” The Quran mentioned the expansion of the universe, before man even learnt to build a telescope!
The examples above are only a part of the scientific truth,there are more profound that we colud get via Quran. Thus, we should believe this discovery is the proof of the existence of the creator, even Quran appeared in the deserts of Arabic 1400 years ago, yet the words mentioned in it shows the truth of every single events in this world..
will be continued..
Our Obligation to Convey the truth..
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
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