Engkau Bidadariku...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Saat saya ditanya oleh seorang kenalan yang bekerja sebagai peguam tentang kondisi pembelajaran sekarang, saya terus menjawab,” Entahlah, belajar yang penting, kerja tak mungkin kot dalam bidang undang-undang”.. Usai menjawab, beliau berkata,” La..why you don’t want to upgrade yourself? Suppose you work, bidang undang-undang ini macam-macam boleh jadi, nak apply jadi district officer (D.O) pun boleh..tapi kalau tak nak kerja dengan kerajaan, boleh attach dengan mana company jadi legal advisor.. Tapi kalau tak nak kerja bahagian sivil, boleh apply jadi hakim mahkamah syariah, tambahan sekarang memang kurang hakim wanita.”..

Saya menghargai nasihat seorang kenalan, dan tidak dinafikan, dengan bekerjalah dapat mengukuhkan sumber kewangan. Suatu ketika, sebelum berada di peringkat umur sebegini,saya juga memikirkan keadaan yang sama, bagi wanita yang mempunyai kelulusan yang tinggi dan memilih untuk tidak mahu bekerja..pilihan trsebut adalah satu kerugian yang besar!..

Mengapa??. Pertamanya,.tentulah kerana saya mempunyai ibu yang bekerja sepenuh masa sebagai guru penolong kanan 1 dan saya akui, ibu banyak membantu ekonomi keluarga. Sebab kedua pula, saya terlibat dengan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Islam yang mana kebanyakan aktivitinya melibatkan aktiviti pengisian minda dan kerja-kerja lapangan, dan sudah tentulah saya berpendapat, memilih untuk menjadi seorang suri rumahtangga sepenuh masa tidak sesuai dengan jiwa dan minda saya yang sukakan aktiviti yang menjana keintelektualan kerana apabila tidak bekerja, kebanyakan masa mestilah diisi dengan menguruskan aktiviti rumahtangga dan tidak lagi mempunyai ruang untuk bergiat aktif di luar.. dan sebab yang ketiga, saya mempunyai kelulusan akademik.., insyaallah ..;)

Pernah saya diceritakan oleh seorang pensyarah perihal isteri seorang ustaz di kampus di mana isteri ustaz tersebut memilih untuk menjadi suri rumahtangga sepenuh masa walaupun beliau seorang graduan timur tengah...Malahan, pensyarah saya sendiri mengakui beliau tidak mampu untuk menjadi sedemikian rupa memandangkan beliau seorang yang berjiwa besar,..kata beliau lagi, wanita yang memilih untuk menjadi suri rumah tatkala mempunyai kelulusan akademik yang tinggi sebenarnya telah mengangkat martabat wanita itu sendiri, tambahan pula, hidup ini sebenarnya bukan semata-mata untuk bekerja..Pada waktu itu, hati kecil saya sebenarnya menafikan keadaan itu kerana saya tidak nampak di mana status wanita telah diangkat jika tidak bekerja kerana jika mempunyai kelulusan dan bekerja, sudah tentulah banyak khidmat dapat disumbangkan. Saya membiarkan persoalan tersebut tergantung kerana pada waktu itu, hati kecil saya tetap tegas mengatakan, satu hari nanti, saya tetap akan bekerja..

Sehinggalah hari ini, prinsip tersebut seolah-olah hilang..Saya sendiri tidak pasti apakah lebih banyak kebaikan yang dibawa jika seorang wanita memilih untuk lebih banyak berada di rumah kerana saya belum melalui fasa tersebut. Tetapi, pada saya, secara rasionalnya, jika seorang suami mampu menjalankan amanahnya sebagai ketua keluarga sebagaimana yang disyariatkan oleh Islam, mungkin tidak perlu para isteri hari ini bekerja dan yang pentingnya, jika ia disarankan oleh agama, sudah tentulah ia mempunyai impak yang besar dalam rumahtanga.

Saya banyak menginsafi kejadian diri sebagai wanita. Fitrah wanita itu lemah. Dengan melihat keterbatasan itulah Islam ingin menjaga mereka. Antara jalan selamat ialah tentulah mereka apabila mereka banyak berada di rumah .
Dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumahmu dan janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang Jahiliyah yang dahulu dan dirikanlah solat, tunaikanlah zakat dan taatilah Allah dan RasulNya. Sesungguhnya Allah bermaksud hendak menghilangkan dosa daripada kamu, wahai ahlul bait dan bersihkan kamu sebersih-bersihnya. Dan ingatlah apa yang dibacakan di rumahmu ayat-ayat Allah dan hikmah (sunnah Nabimu). Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Lembut lagi Maha Mengetahui..(Al-Ahzab:33-34)
Sesungguhnya anjuran ayat di atas mengandungi unsur penekanan supaya wanita menjadikan rumah sebagai dunia pertamanya, namun selebihnya mereka boleh sahaja keluar dari rumah jika ada keperluan mendesak atau demi menjalankan tugas-tugas dakwah, sesuai dengan kehadiran mereka sebagai wanita muslimat.

Pada saya, banyak maslahat lain yang turut dapat dijaga sekiranya seorang wanita menjadikan rumah sebagai ‘dunia pertamanya’, antaranya mereka dapat menjaga pergaulan,memelihara aurat dan dapat menjaga pandangan para lelaki di luar sana.Kerjaya suri rumahtangga seharusnya menjadi jawatan tertinggi bagi mereka yang bergelar isteri.

Tambahan pula, fitrah seorang wanita yang bergelar ibu itu seharunya menjadi ‘baby sitter’ untuk anak-anak mereka sendiri. Allah menjadikan keistimewaan wanita itu supaya mereka dapat mendidik dan membesarkan anak-anak mereka sendiri. Saya berpendapat, sekiranya setiap ibu mampu mendidik anak mereka sendiri, tentu tidak akan timbul pelbagai isu kebejatan sosial hari ini…Dalam erti kata lain, didikan ibu merupakan madrasah pertama dalam melahirkan generasi Rabbaniy..

Abdullah bin Umar ibnul Ash menuturkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda kepadanya,” Dan bahawa sesungguhnya anakmu mempunyai hak ke atasmu.’

Oleh itu para wanita di luar sana, janganlah takut untuk akan pelbagai kemungkinan yang berlaku sekiranya kita memilih untuk bekerja di rumah kerana sesungguhnya kedudukan para wanita itu seharusnya lebih dekat di rumah sebagai ‘dunia pertamanya’... Jadilah antunna semua sebagai ‘bidadari’ di rumah kalian bersama suami kalian..

Wallahu a’lam..

Be the best..

Thursday, November 4, 2010
It’s has been a long time since I left my writing..how I missed it so much .. I have only two principles in writing..First, write only when something inspires you and second, of course when you have a lot of time to do so!

I’m so inspired with these couple of novelist, perhaps I can consider them as remarkable Islamic novelist..They are Fatimah Syarha and Dr Farhan..I like them both..Either their moral, attitudes or writings..To me, it is important for a novelist to show his or her great personality since it will reflect their writings..I’m quoting certain statement (probably, if I wasn’t mistaken) from a young author, Hilal Asyraf when he stated about his initial stage in writing and what inspire him..” writes whatever is near you, then it will be more alive ”..Sounds that way maybe…For a lay man like me, I would refer it as, a great writing comes from a great experience..and a great experience comes from a great personality..

I have no knowledge whether there is inter-related or not with my next issue..What I’m looking forward is about great personality..My focus is through the observation from a few books about how to maintain lasting love in committed relationship, though I’m unmarried yet..This first book come from the Phenomenal bestseller, ‘MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS” by John Gray, Ph.D, and second book, “SUDAH SAKINAH, ROMANTIS LAGI-BELAJAR ROMANTIS by Zainuddin Qasim..

Those two books are great..They give me different worldview..First book telling me how to understand the differences between men and women.. Their distinctions in gender require different treat..Most in marriage or I should say in any committed relationship do occur misleading and misinterpreting in actions,...and thus, as a different gender, I (maybe should be referred) should learn to understand the differences and do not judge the man’s action merely on my emotional, even though me, as female is known for my high-emotional..and that’s why the man role is very important to determine the journey..On one part, they should know how to express their true feelings so that woman would understand.. I could guarantee that we, the females are the most tolerate, soft-hearted species, so just let us know whatever playing in your minds..However, to me, there is still missing part where even though it had been explained from all angles about the differences, as muslim, I’m looking for the proofs or Islamic injunctions to uphold the statements..Too demanding, rite??

Finish till that part, ..Comes our second book, This book is recommended for those who are married..The similarities with the first book which can be concluded is how to maintain the lasting relationship especially in marriage…To me, though this book is not listed probably as bestseller or phenomenal or whatsoever, the content is there..well, this is my personal view..Do not bother if it frustrated …Anyhow, the additional points in this book, or I can say in any other Islamic relationship skills’ books would define it..It’s where it stated about responsibilities that spouse need to carry on..By pursuing to the teachings in Quran, it mentions about the values as well as liabilities that one should instill in the marriage. .. and it’s not a mere lesson how to look after her husband or herself or her marriage..

Talking about relationship will never fail anybody…Everybody would be a great speaker, commentator, adviser or writer when it comes on this matter..So, behave and act as unsound person!..:)..ooh..I never know how to end this..

To be continued………..

Wallahu a’alam…

LORD of the 'ring'...........

Friday, May 28, 2010

The world is changed. I feel it in water.I feel it in the earth.I smell it in the air.Much that once was..is lost..For none now live who remember it..THE LORD OF THE RING..

It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves.Immortal, Wisest and fairest of all beings.Seven to the Dwarf-lords.Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.And nine rings were gifted to the race of Men..who, above all else, desire power.For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race.But they were all of them deceived.

For another ring was made.In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring to control all others.And into this Ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.One Ring to rule them all.One by one the Free Lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the Ring.But there were some who resisted.A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor.And on the slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth.Victory was near.But the power of the Ring could not be undone.It was in this moment when all hope had faded that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father’s sword.Sauron, the enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, was defeated.The Ring passed to Isildur who had this one chance to destroy evil forever. But the hearts of Men are easily corrupted. And the Ring of Power has a will of its own. It betrayed Isildur to his death.

And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth, the Ring passed out of all knowledge.until. when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.My precious, The Ring came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into tunnels of the Misty Mountains, and there it consumed him.It came to me.My own. My love. My own.My precious.The Ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life. For 500 years it poisoned his mind. And in the gloom of Gollum’s cave, it waited.Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the east, whispers of a nameless fear.

The ring of Power perceived , its time had now come. It abandoned Gollum. But something happened then the Ring did not intend.It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable. What’s this? A hobbit. Bilbo Baggins of the Shire. A ring Lost! My precious is lost! For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all. The 22nd day of September in the year 1400 by shire-reckoning. Bag End, Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, Westfarthing the Shire ..Middle earth. The Third Age of this world.THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING..there and back again, a hobbit’s tale, by Bilbo Baggins..

Such a very long introduction in the first edition of LORD OF THE RING- THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING.. I guess for the first viewers of this film, they must feel very hard in catching their meanings. As for me, I experienced it the same, especially when the words sound like in literature..I had watched it before and keep repeating it. It was a remarkable film and as any other person before,I watched it because I like that story much and I never do the analyzing jobs. Till one day, when I attended a 'special course' in Perak,brother Ryzal showed us this story and how he watched it via his worldview and teached us how it played in a role of a da'ie..

To me, the message is clear. There was a great fight over a ring. And those who won over the ring will be in absolute power, the power to govern and the power to master..The whole story was about the Great Ring..In the other part, the Ring also brought the negative and evil impact, thus, in order to destroy it, the bearers had to own a strong will. Otherwise, the ring would undermine their spirit and turn them to be evil and destroy themselves.But, it was not a mere battle.

In reality, that story sorts of implied its effects. Any layman would fight and struggle in their lives to own a comfort life- whether to have a big house, a big car or a great job. Those things symbolize the success in life. Just like in LOTR- to chase for a ring.

Anyhow, do they really represent for all the happiness in this world??.....well, probably yes for a certain people. For me, they are not. Speaking as muslim, I think, for all the great things made in this world are not the one we should grab for. I bear that we need to have those things to survive, but they are not the priority that we should seek for. Those great things are only a test for us, to see how we devote to Allah if at the same time, we are presented the wealth. Do our syahadah still witness that there is only one God to be obeyed and served? I’m sure all the times we tend to be ignorant rather than to be thanked.

To have wealth and good position in the eyes of society are seem to be anyone’s dream. That’s why we see all of us keep working hard. To have a luxury car, big house, good kids and great profession are likely haunting us. No matter how much we try to deny it, they are likely influencing us. Just like in LOTR i.e where the ring did has its great influence to its bearer to wear it, and everyone knew that once the ring was worn, the wearer would be evil and usually would misuse the power. Thus, only one who has a strong determination can endure the temptation.

Make it similar in our life. As muslims, sometimes we realize that those materials and powers are valueless in life and sometimes we don’t realize those are the things that we keep chasing for. Those sort of source of life. However, for those who claim themselves as jundi, servants of Allah and do preaching job, they can’t put those things to be in their top lists. If one dreams to have a life like a bed of a full roses, one day he or she would ‘retire’ from this challenging job. Preaching or dakwah do need a lot of sacrifice.

How many of da’ie suffers ‘futur’? and how many people change for the sake of Allah? In this case, we have to admit that, once we used to feel in those ‘temporary gift’, we never and ever want to go back to the life which full of tests and obstacles, though we do know that in Quran also stated that Allah do not see you whosoever you are unless you are the righteous one.

In the verse of al-A’raf: 10 stated that,

“It is We Who have placed you with authority on earth, and provided you therein with means for the fulfillment of your life : small are the thanks that you give!”

I seek for the forgiveness from Allah for all the doings…
May all of us are included in those who are righteous and in the right path..

Wallahu a’alam..